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Writer's pictureLizahn Jordaan

More new beginnings

It has been a LONG time since I have written anything - I apologise to my myriad of followers, I know your lives have been empty without my posts ;)

A lot has happened since my last post:

1. I have decided to change the blog up a bit - I have some different categories that I will be adding posts to besides the personal blog. The topics are quite diverse and I am sure it is a strange combination to have on one website, but those are all my interests so there we go.

2. I have gone through another long and quite testing job search, and I start working again on Monday! I applied to SO MANY schools, and heard back from so few that it really shook my confidence a bit. Luckily God is always in control and I ended up accepting a job teaching grade 9-12 Maths (American curriculum - eeeekk!) at a local school with mostly Emirati students. It will most certainly be challenging to teach in a different environment, different language, different curriculum and different culture, but I will definitely gain some valuable experience. Looking forward to seeing how God will use this to shape me and how He will use me to be the light in a mostly Islamic environment.

3. Morné is moving over to a new department at his company in (hopefully) October. This has been in the works for quite a while and we are so thankful that it is finally happening. The new department will hopefully be less stressful and allow him to actually have weekends without loads of phone calls and emails.

We celebrated our first sandiversary in July - I cannot believe that we have been here for longer than a year already! I am so thankful for how faithful God has been in this year. Not having a job has been tough, but it has also been such a blessing because it allowed me to form amazing friendships which has made Dubai feel like home.

I hope to post more regularly, but I am starting a new job so who knows? 'Til next time.

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